Personal Financial Literacy is a graduation requirement in the state of Oklahoma. It can be completed any time in 9th-12th grade. While we can offer the class at the high school, I realize that there may be students whose schedule won’t allow them to take it. If this is the case, and you are interested in getting it completed, we offer an online class that fulfills that requirement. It is done on your own time and can easily be finished in just a few days. It is available to all high school students. I have included the link to access the course. You will need to follow the steps below when signing up.
click “log in” at the top right of the screen
click on “Fool Proof Academy” on left of the screen
click on “student log in”
create an account using the code CZ638DU
Please let me know if you enroll in the class so I can give you credit upon completion.